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Agent Merrick Garland

Garland Announces Joint Task Force Alpha to Combat Domestic Extremism

Task Force to Coordinate Efforts Between Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies

AG Garland Sworn In as 86th Attorney General of the United States

In a significant move to combat rising threats from domestic extremism, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland announced the formation of the Joint Task Force Alpha (JTFA) in June 2021. The task force, formed in partnership with the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, will coordinate efforts to investigate and prevent domestic terrorist threats.

Upon his swearing-in as the 86th Attorney General of the United States, Garland emphasized the critical importance of addressing the growing threat posed by domestic extremists. "Domestic terrorism represents a serious threat to our national security and public safety," he said. "The Joint Task Force Alpha will bring together the expertise and resources of multiple agencies to ensure that we are doing everything possible to prevent these attacks and bring the perpetrators to justice."
