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Measles Outbreak

Measles Cases on the Rise

Outbreaks Reported in Multiple Countries

Measles, a highly contagious disease caused by a virus, is making a comeback. In 2024, there have been 8 outbreaks of measles reported worldwide, defined as 3 or more related cases. Out of the 132 cases reported, 91 (69%) are part of these outbreaks.

Top 10 Countries with Measles Outbreaks

  1. Somalia
  2. Yemen
  3. Nigeria
  4. Chad
  5. Ethiopia
  6. Angola
  7. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  8. South Sudan
  9. Cameroon
  10. Central African Republic

In the United States, there have been 8 cases of measles reported so far in 2024, compared to just 22 cases in all of 2023. The majority of these cases have occurred in unvaccinated individuals.

Measles is a serious disease that can lead to complications such as pneumonia, encephalitis, and even death. It is preventable through vaccination, which is safe and effective. If you have not been vaccinated against measles, it is important to do so as soon as possible.
